Functional Food
Do you want to buy low-sugar products in bulk? Even then we can be your partner. For more information, request a quote here.
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A healthier future
Our low-sugar granola under our own Meesters van De Halm brand has been a great success from the start of the launch. In addition, we recently launched 3 porridges with special flavours, all low in sugar! Through in-depth research into the right ingredients, we have been able to develop a crunchy, sweet, yet low-sugar granola. Do you have any ideas for low-sugar breakfast products? Please let us know, we are happy to think along with you!
Are you looking for low-sugar granola, muesli or porridge as a private label? In recent years, we have specialised in developing breakfast products that are low in sugars.
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Completely unburdened private label
As we have the production in our own hands from start to finish and have a ‘food designer’ in-house, we can completely unburden you in the development of your private label.
Organic since 1977
We have been producing organic breakfast cereals since 1977 and were one of the first organic pioneers in the Netherlands. Sustainability is therefore in our genes.
We have a separate gluten-free production area for making gluten-free flakes. In this way, we can guarantee that the product is gluten-free.
The best from close to home
For our private labels, we do not opt for the cheapest from far away, but rather for the best from close to home! Fewer food miles for a healthier environment.