Gluten-free cereal flakes
There is an increasing demand for gluten-free products and do you want to respond to this with our gluten-free products under your brand or as a private label? A few years ago we implemented a special gluten-free flaking line so that all flakes are and remain gluten-free. To ensure this, every production batch is tested by an external laboratory.
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Gluten-free packaged
The flakes are then packaged gluten-free. With this, we can guarantee that the processed gluten-free grains are truly gluten-free. This term ‘gluten-free’ may only be used when the gluten content is less than 20 mg/kg. We are also certified for this. Consumers who are gluten intolerant are forced to follow a gluten-free diet. We specialise in a wide range of guaranteed gluten-free products. From buckwheat, quinoa, rice, millet and maize to amaranth. Of course, we cannot leave oatmeal unmentioned.
A relatively unknown gluten-free product in Europe is amaranth. Amaranth contains a lot of proteins, calcium, iron and magnesium. It is a perfect basic product for porridge or muesli, and also delicious as an additive to a soup. Our organic amaranth flakes are quick to prepare and very tasty and can be a special addition to your range.
The fruits of the buckwheat plant resemble cereal grains and are therefore often processed as a gluten-free variant in foods. Buckwheat is not a cereal, but it has many similarities. Buckwheat is also rich in carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins B1 and B6 and contains various minerals such as magnesium. Our organic buckwheat flakes are easy to prepare and a wonderful basic product for your gluten-free range.
Millet flakes
Millet is gluten-free and naturally contains a lot of fibre and helps lower cholesterol levels. Less known in the Netherlands, but in other parts of the world such as Africa and Asia, it is one of the most important foods in the diet. It can be eaten as a porridge, but can also be used in bread, cakes and biscuits. Millet has a powerful taste and is a great addition to the gluten-free range.
Completely unburdened private label
As we have the production in our own hands from start to finish and have a ‘food designer’ in-house, we can completely unburden you in the development of your private label.
Organic since 1977
We have been producing organic breakfast cereals since 1977 and were one of the first organic pioneers in the Netherlands. Sustainability is therefore in our genes.
We have a separate gluten-free production area for making gluten-free flakes. In this way, we can guarantee that the product is gluten-free.
The best from close to home
For our private labels, we do not opt for the cheapest from far away, but rather for the best from close to home! Fewer food miles for a healthier environment.
Oatmeal and oat bran
Oats do not naturally contain gluten, but in practice they can come into contact with gluten-containing grains from neighbouring fields. Also during harvesting, when harvesting and processing machinery has not been properly cleaned. There is a growing demand for gluten-free oats and therefore, we consider it important to respond to this. We do this as a co-founder of the Dutch Gluten-Free Oat Chain. In this role, De Halm works on the development, publication and availability of gluten-free oat products.
Maize flakes
Maize is originally gluten-free and can be eaten cooked or raw. Our organic and gluten-free corn flakes are crushed without additives into a thin flake and are therefore not comparable with the better known (and often unhealthy) ‘cornflakes’. Are you curious about how our corn flakes differ? Then please feel free to contact us without any obligations.
Quinoa flakes
Organic quinoa has gained a lot of popularity in recent years and has a trusted permanent place in our range now. Originally, this product comes from South America but it is now also grown in the Netherlands. Quinoa is extremely healthy due to its high fibre content, B vitamins, vitamin E and iron. Our organic quinoa flakes are suitable for people with a gluten allergy and are therefore a wonderful basic product in your gluten-free range.
Rice flakes
Our organic rice flakes are made from brown rice and are therefore entirely wholemeal. Rice is naturally gluten-free and therefore suitable for people with a gluten allergy or intolerance.
Teff flakes
Teff, like amaranth, is a somewhat unknown player in the gluten-free cereal landscape. Teff originates from Africa and is a member of the grass family. Teff seeds are very small and that is why our organic teff flakes are also very small. Our teff flakes can be eaten cold and raw or warm and cooked. A special addition to your gluten-free range!