Oats: healthy, delicious and locally produced

The cereal most commonly processed at De Halm is oats. Oats have been very popular for some time now and with good reason. We would like to tell you why (as far as we are concerned) you should eat even more oats!

Oats are healthy. Especially the oatmeal, oat flakes and steel cut oats that we produce at De Halm. This is because they are 100% wholegrain, which means that the entire grain is used and you therefore ingest the most fibres and healthy bacteria. The fatty acids in oats reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Because oats ensure a slow release of carbohydrates, you retain a feeling of saturation for longer. With oats for breakfast, you will not feel hungry again until lunch!

Oats are delicious. Particularly if you process it as oatmeal in a delicious smoothie bowl for breakfast, prepare a tasty shakshuka with steel cut oats or eat a sports muesli with oat flakes as recovery after your sport activities. The possibilities are almost endless.

Oats come from nearby. For our Meesters van De Halm brand, we use 100% Dutch organic grains; in this way we don't get the cheapest raw materials from far away, but the tastiest from close by. The Dutch grain fields full of organic grains contribute to more biodiversity, which is good for people, animals and the environment.

Do you want to see how we produce our products? Please take a look at our virtual tour.