Gluten-free flakes to the highest standards
Gluten is the alcohol-soluble protein fraction found in various types of grain. Gluten gives structure to dough products and bread. Gluten is "knotted" into a network in which gases - created during the rising of dough - are held. Without gluten, for example, it is difficult to make a cohesive, not crumbly and airy bake. Gluten consists of two types of protein: glutenins and gliadins. Gliadin causes intestinal damage in the coeliac condition.
At De Halm, we have a second, fully dedicated flaking line to make gluten-free flakes from various pseudo-cereals and grasses such as quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, millet, maize, rice and teff.
Oats are in principle gluten free but are often contaminated with wheat so that oats often still contain gluten. De Halm is a co-founder of the Dutch Gluten-Free Oats chain, which gives us access to gluten-free oats, from which we make flakes.
To be able to call something 'gluten-free', a limit of 20 ppm (parts per million) of gluten is applied. However, our process and the products we process are of such high quality that we have been making flakes with a level of less than 5 ppm for years.
Gluten-free products must always be analysed to make sure they fall within the standards. We always mark our products with the logo of the Celiac Association: the crossed-out ear. We are allowed to use this logo because we are audited and approved annually.
Would you like to purchase gluten-free products from us? Let us know in which form (consumer packaging of Meesters van De Halm or PL, or in 15kg bulk bags) and we will be happy to tell you more about the possibilities!