De Halm has a long history when it comes to certifications. In the 70s and 80s, the company was ahead of certification; organic and sustainable production was already taking place before certification bodies even existed. One of the founders of De Halm was even involved in setting up the predecessor of SKAL.

Besides the organic certificate, De Halm has also been FSSC22000 certified for years. This was sufficient for all customers, but De Halm also wants to stay ahead of the game for them. So, in early 2020, the path to IFS was started. Last April, the audit took place. And to the auditors’ complete satisfaction: a score of almost 99% was achieved, making it a ‘higher level’ certification! A clear sign that De Halm’s core values (quality, sustainability and safety) are not only broadly supported internally, but also send a clear message to the outside world.
In addition to IFS Food ‘Higher Level’, De Halm is also certified organic, EKO, Fairtrade, gluten-free and vegan.
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Organic since 1977
We have been producing organic breakfast cereals since 1977 and were one of the first organic pioneers in the Netherlands. Sustainability is therefore in our genes.
Completely unburdened private label
As we have the production in our own hands from start to finish and have a ‘food designer’ in-house, we can completely unburden you in the development of your private label.
We have a separate gluten-free production area for making gluten-free flakes. In this way, we can guarantee that the product is gluten-free.
The best from close to home
For our private labels, we do not opt for the cheapest from far away, but rather for the best from close to home! Fewer food miles for a healthier environment.
We (also literally) separate the wheat from the chaff. For this, we are, among other things, IFS higher level and Bio-certified.
Producing on green energy
We produce 100% using green energy and in parts of our production process, we reuse the heat that is released during our processes.
From single-serving packaging to bulk
With us, you can choose from various portion sizes and packaging (including portion bags, block bottom bags, tubes, doy packs, mini-bulk, bulk and big bags).
In-house recipe development
Together, we can develop a tailored recipe that suits your vision, mission and target group.